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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Workspot tid-bits

S. Janneker Lawrence Daniel,
Assistant Professor of English,
Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering.

Though the following might seem to be prejudiced, trust me guys. It is not biased. This is based on my previous experience. Your comments are welcome.

To work with women is difficult, especially so if there is struggle for power among them and one gets himself caught in the crossfire. To please one and rub the other one on the wrong side would be to invite disaster whereas to please both would definitely land one in deep and troubled waters. To slip away from the scene discreetly might backfire ending up in the rival parties partying together with the noose falling on one’s own neck. No amount of caution would enable a man to be safe while in such a situation. The negative effect is manifold when wielded by a woman, more so if handled out of jealousy or revenge. There is yet another dangerous breed out there. They speak good of you to others. They shine in your eyes as the epitome of goodness and well-wishing. Alas! If only it lasted for a bit more! Tragedy will be swift when such creatures in order to keep their conscience clear, twist and distort every single word that one utters and every act of benevolence is clearly portrayed and magnified into an act of malevolence. Beware of such nitwits……you’d better be…..for your own good.



  1. Experience is the better Teacher. One has to learn the art of being Shrewd to the Shrew...

  2. Ha ha ha... rightly pointed out...
